
This is my first shot at playing with a blog. Bear with me as I stumble through this!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Life out of Death

Well, this is a left turn for me as far as a blog posting goes... but it addresses something that happened very close to me that has been on my mind a bit.

Girl’s clean water wish takes off after her death - US news - Giving - msnbc.com

Rachel was only beginning her life and had only turned the first few pages of what promised to be a truly amazing story to tell. Tragically, that book was closed only a few chapters in.

She began with a huge heart and a tiny wish. What sprung from it has only begun to touch the lives of thousands of people throughout the word. Both in her story, AND for the 15,000+ people (at the time of this writing) that will directly feel the effects of her kindness. I did not know her beyond a passing in a hallway, but for those that did, the impact of her untimely passing is beyond words.

I just wish that this world had the opportunity to read what awaited in the coming chapters.

1 comment:

  1. Great background image! We are all nomads in our search for information and learning.
